I certainly do not understand why all of you elves think I should continue with Christmas! Yes, it is lovely that some people enjoy the season, but the naughty letters keep coming! And there are so many of them. I stand by my original declaration: Christmas is canceled!
Merry Christmas anyway Santa,
Please don't forget the generous, loving, funny children and what they are saying to you here...
Santa, doesn't it seem odd to you that all of a sudden you are getting so many naughty letters? Aren't you getting many more notes of thanks? Something's wrong with this picture, don't you think so?
Santa, what you do every Christmas is more than lovely; it's one of the greatest enduring mysteries and miracles of all time. Isn't it worth it to continue for those who believe in you?
Santa, I am confused. Every one I talk to loves you and has no complaints. Maybe those letters are a setup for some reason. I just don't think the kids are that dissatisfied.
Hoping for a Merry Christmas!
Hundreds of thousands of children write to you each and every year, Santa. Each is sending a belief in the goodness and kindness of every human being in this world. A belief in love and the magic of that love that goes beyond the need for "proof", as it's ingrained in the soul of each and every one of us, from the day we enter this world.
The ungrateful are very few, the needy and good are so many. Without you Santa, the very heart of the holidays is gone. As we pass through a time of war and strife all over the world, the horizon seemingly dark and forbidding... It has been this dark before, and yet always the light and joy that you have brought to children of all ages, all around the world, has been the light of hope that allows us to move forward and get through what appears to be insurmountable.
Please Santa, please don't let the spark of hope die in this year.
There are very few hours before you should be leaving, and yet I find my heart troubled and uncertain. My younger siblings believe in you and trust you, and I cannot stand to think of how they will respond to your decision to cancel Christmas.
As it stands, I write to inform you that I will be plagiarizing your name this year. I have purchased extra gifts and signed them Santa. Should your selfishness continue into the years to come, I will continue to lie.
You may have given up on Christmas, but I will not let you ruin it for everyone else, especially not Alex and Katie.
So, should you arrive at our house, having finally realized how foolish this rebellion of yours is, do not be surprised to find no cookies and milk, for I will have eaten them and written your annual thank you notes to them. You may have failed them, but I shall not.
PS - I am sending this care of Sugar Plum as well, in hopes that you will get it and have your heart changed in enough time to save Christmas for the children whose Christmases I have no way of helping further. It saddens me to think a man of your great stature could have fallen so far. I pray you see the error of your ways before it is too late for the other innocent children of the world.
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