Thursday, November 6, 2008

Oh, lights and stars. It seems that someone has been into my blog! Either that or this thing does not work the way I thought. It said I received a comment, but now... where is it? And after the day I have had, I was looking forward to getting a nice, cheerful comment. Ah, well. Sometimes gifts fall off the sleigh, I guess.

And, yes, for those of you who are wondering, one of the lights on the Christmas Tree has gone out. I admit I felt a little grinchy the past couple of days. I have seen such a rise in the number of complaint mail coming through here that it has gotten me a little down.

Do not fret, my friends, you know we lose a light or two every year. Sugar Plum and the Random Acts of Christmas team are helping to cheer me up. And it is working! I am feeling much, much better after a new rendition of "Joy to the World."

Mrs. Claus is also joining in the cause, hohoho. She has worked tirelessly to put the finishing touches on her gingerbread recipe. I love gingerbread! I cannot imagine anyone who dislikes it, though, so... Well, it is calling my name... Or is that my stomach talking to me? Hohoho. It sounds like a Polar bear right before a meal. Time to go!


Tresbien said...

How good of you to fit blogging into your already hectic holiday schedule. You're amazing! No wonder there's only one Santa. Thanks for bringing all of us so much joy. <3 from Tresbien

Lairosiel said...

Santa, I will make you the best cookies ever, when u come around on X-mas ;D

IneffaBelle said...

Hi Santa! I'm Jewish, but please put in a good word for me to Hanukkah Harry! Thanks!


Leyton Stone said...


It's so good of you as everyone else has said, to blog at this hectic time of the year!

Extra cookies and milk coming from the UK for you!


Merago said...

Hi Santa,

It's nice to hear that someone enjoys their work so much. I'll be following your blog avidly big fella. Please give my regards to Mrs Claus and the elves.
While I have your ear, can you settle an argument; on Christmas Eve, I always lay out a scotch for you, but a friend of mine is adamant you prefer bourbon. Both glasses are empty come Christmas morning, but you must have a favourite, right? So which is it?
Take care Santa.


P.S I'm a scotch man myself.